少林八段錦: 防治都市病 淨化身心靈




About the Authors


武學泰斗、註冊中醫師 將家傳北少林武學系統化,公諸於世,傾囊相授。  


微創外科醫生、前中文大學醫學院院長 用客觀科學的眼光,探討養生氣功的奧秘。


UX設計師、北少林認證八段錦導師 以現代化、人性化的設計,打造出易懂易學的課程。 


Baduanijn or “Eight Brocades” is a set of Chinese Qigong exercises that has a history of over a thousand years.  As “exercises for health improvement” it instills a sense of balance in the mind and body by “meditation through movement’.  The exercises are easy to follow, low impact and are suitable for all ages and abilities.


This book starts by tracing the Northern Shaolin history in Hong Kong.  Grandmaster Lung then shares his wisdom of teaching martial arts over many decades.  Professor Sydney Chung demystified the enigmatic secrets of Qigong with easy to understand explanations according to modern exercise science.  Following that is a step-by-step exercise program for eight weeks, combining Shaolin basic training and Baduanjin.  

We have included clear graphics to guide you through the exercises, together with “Shifu Tips” of the salient point of each exercise.  There are Fit Tests for you to measure your progress along the way.  To cater for your busy lifestyle, we have included a smartphone App that will train with you anytime, anywhere. We offer a one-week free trial of our App “Balancd”.