The Book ​

Shaolin Baduanjin: Targets common ailments Purifies the body and mind.

This is book interprets ‘Shaolin basic training’ and ‘Baduanjin’ from a medical perspective. Practice 30 minutes a day to improve your balance within eight weeks.

(In Chinese and English)

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About the authors

Grandmaster Lung Kai Ming

Veteran Kung Fu Master, Registered Chinese Medicine Practitioner

Systemised the Northern Shaolin Martial Arts handed down from his late father, and generously shares with all who wish to learn.

Professor Chung Shenug-chee Sydney 

Endoscopic Surgeon; Former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Explores the secrets of Qigong for health through a scientific perspective.

Designer Chung Chui-shan Sara 

UX Designer, Certified Instructor in Northern Shaolin Baduanjin

Uses modern design concepts to create a program that is intuitive.

For the benefit of the public, during COVID-19

Baduanijn or Eight Brocades is a set of Chinese Qigong exercises that has a history of over a thousand years. As exercises for health improvements it instills a sense of balance in the mind and body  through movement. The exercises are easy to follow, low impact and are suitable for all ages and abilities.

A blueprint for Baduanjin combining martial arts, medicine, and technology

This book starts by tracing the Northern Shaolin and Baduanjin history in Hong Kong. Grandmaster Lung then shares his wisdom of teaching martial arts over many decades. Professor Sydney Chung demystified the enigmatic secrets of Qigong with easy to understand explanations according to modern exercise science. Following that is a step-by-step exercise program for eight weeks, combining Shaolin basic training and Baduanjin.

We have included clear graphics to guide you through the exercises, reminding you of the salient point of each exercise. There are Fit Tests for you to measure your progress along the way. To cater for your busy lifestyle, we have included a smartphone App that will train with you anytime, anywhere. We offer a one-week free trial of our App.


This book is beautifully illustrated and includes explanations from a sports medicine perspective, as well as a mobile application. It is an excellent way to get started. From my own experience, practising Kung Fu can improve our fitness, boost our vitality and make us feel younger. I heartily recommend this book to you to improve your health, and to promote traditional Chinese martial arts.

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Benny Wong​
Chairman, Northern Shaolin Lung Chi Cheung Martial Arts Association

The basic concepts of Western medicine and Chinese traditional medicine are very different, and it is difficult to have a common language. The dedication of Grandmaster Lung to find a scientific and systematic approach to martial arts, however, planted the idea in my mind to demystify traditional Chinese Kung Fu by approaching martial arts from the viewpoint of Western medicine. I hope this book will provide a simple, easy-to-follow guide for those who wish to improve their fitness.

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Prof. Sydney Chung
Medical Doctor

Since I was a child, I learned Shaolin Neijia Quan from my father, and started teaching classes in the Morse Park Swimming Pool in Wong Tai Sin. From 1974 onwards, I trained generations of qualified Kung Fu instructors. The moves of Baduanjin are simple and easy to learn, and practising the exercises does not require a lot of space. It is suitable for all ages.

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Grandmaster Lung Kai Ming
Veteran Kung Fu Master